0429對我家是個大日子, 因為是寶貝小犬的生日,尤其今年他就要上小學, 脫離他所謂"幼稚生活"的幼稚園,為了慶祝這"登段郎"的時刻,我決定讓他的人生有個充滿野性的開始. 所以捨棄麥當勞的生日party,選擇到木柵動物園野餐

既然是慶祝新階段,就要嘗試新事務. 我選擇生平的第一隻日本紅酒為紀念這令人雀躍的時刻.在豔陽高照下的台北木柵動物園裡,我充滿期望地打開這瓶來自日本山梨縣勝沼區的嬌客,心中不時蹦出來問題

"這酒喝起來的感覺會像是開 toyota 還是 lexus?" "日本人釀的紅酒會有如他們畫的漫畫"神之雨下"那樣精彩嗎?" " 在動物園喝紅酒會不會更容易體會到所謂皮革味的酒香?"一切的疑惑就在一杯下肚後得到解答.

Well... 我想還是跟兒子要他手中的那一杯麥當勞可樂來喝一下吧...或許離鄉背景的團團員員和紅毛猩猩此刻比我更需要來這一杯吧..

Something about that wine

I got this bottle in wine shop " cave of relax" http://www.cavederelax.com/ located in Tokyo.

What impressed me is that it's so nice wine shop where you can look around comfortably not only because this space is large and cozy with  but also the service people, gentle adn sweet, won't disturb you  unless you talk with them who speak well in English. On the top of that, their price is so reasonable that  won't make  you shiny away. 

Regarding this bottle, friend of mine told me that the winery owner is the young Japanese guy who learnt wine making in burgendy in France  and returned to Japan to start up his winery just couple of years ago .

Much like his conservative personality as she said , this wine really presents "悶騷" aroma. 

"Like father ,like son " can apply to this situation " like wine maker , like his wine"



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    光陰酒窖 TimeCellar

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